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Grow & Prosper

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Did anyone hear the good news!

We all were given another chance at life. To walk in gratitude and be open to all things good.🤩

My gratitude check video won’t load but that’s alright. Im grateful for the voice of God I get to connect with in this season and the signs of confirmation that I’m on the right track.

Aug 14, 2024

I’m grateful that in the midst of any storm I am in I can still hear God speaking to me and the peace that He gives me so I don’t stress and worry during it because me and God have history together

Y’all know we can’t end the day without tapping into our gratitude. I’m not missing my blessings lol. Today I am grateful for the team I am building. I have been able to be blessed with help to reset the salon while I am working on our Loctician Mastery programs. Feeling light and stress free😝

What are you all most grateful for today?

Aug 13, 2024

That school starts back tomorrow 🙌🏾 my kids love school and now that it’s starting I don’t have to hear “this break too long I’m ready for school” 😂 thank you Lord I’m grateful now they can count down to mid winter break

Day5 gratitude check!

Today I am channeling collaboration. I am grateful for the support and collaboration opportunities brewing. Iron sharpening iron and I’m here for it💃🏽

Join me in morning gratitude🥰 Let's set the tone of our day.

I am grateful for my new mind, the community of people who have blessed me and encouraged me, the relationship I'm learning to have with God, and the true unconditional love I've experienced in this journey.

Aug 04, 2023

I am grateful for growth, clarity and understanding. How I respond to people now I am willing to offer grace and not just cut them off as quick as I used to and for me that’s big 😃


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